Kimberly Trapani
Entertainment Director
Company Author
Executive Director
Project Manager
This film is about the heartbreaking effects of drug addiction. There is the pain, deceit, lies, destruction with drug addiction(s). Family and friends suffer through the rollercoaster ride of an addict. This nightmare can take its toll on loved ones who have false hope.
Kimberly was inspired to write this film through her own life experiences and exposure to a family member's drug addiction. She is passionate about telling this story because the credible resources including government statistics reveal that this is an issue that connects us all. Constructive plans and solutions need to be discussed. Kimberly's goals are to inspire others, affected by both legal and illegal addictive substances, to deal with their own pain. Kimberly has performed in on stage performances. Kimberly was trained to communicate in front of an audience when she participated in a pageant in a bathing suit and heels while proclaimed to be qualified to work for a good cause. Kimberly is a proud graduate level entertainment potential higher degree student. Kimberly has appeared in commercials and never saw her appearance in a film she was in. If you have that film, she will watch with popcorn and in a quiet environment. However, the education and underlining cause of "All Consuming Film" is much more powerful than the camera work.
All Consuming Filming is a registered, Limited Liability Company registered in the State Of Florida.
All Consuming Film script is copyrighted
Please see contact page for well-intended inquiry.