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Who is going to host the Oscars? Are you Going to complete the task?

Writer's picture: Kimberly TrapaniKimberly Trapani

In a world that has guilt, pain, and has the cowboys versus the Indians mentality. Our population is full of the Google generation, the dreaming and sleeping generation, and the disrespectful generation. In working and being educated in a well-rounded training, I have earned my education and furthered my career for twenty years of working across multiple industries. I can attribute my company business model to all of my training, former teachers, employers and duplication of business processes from my first supervisor Tony Smaldone. I have learned that opinions drive everyone to an arguable point hence the pain and deceit circulating politics, media, and Facebook.

The question remains to be argued that there is progress in the United States of America in the industry sectors, job stability and training, manufacturing outputs and especially technology. All the economists can argue with me on this point “Although the financial market is a rollercoaster, I do not see inflation keeping pace with the demand for income stability for years or if at all.” (Trapani, 2019). As inflation rises at a steady rate and the job market rises paired with a lower almost demeaning minimum wage salary in place then the employee longevity factor becomes almost nonexistent.

Are we being sucked under by robots? Most of the time I know I have to behave like one. Is the trillion dollar deficit a result of current selfishness of people or is because we are outsourcing to other countries? This answer to the question remains to be seen. I can tell you as I weed through my own career and I can’t possibly cover all ground to a hiring manager in an hour interview, my conclusions are that we need to move into a different direction. If we as a country don’t act with sense in business and I have not seen business sense for a number of years, then we will lose humanism.

Now that I have stated my own opinions. Here are the facts, I have been trained in the best business models in the country. I have been educated by a college that has less than a fifty percent chance of graduating. No matter what you are going through it is important to balance personal and business lives and keep both separate. Best of like (play on words) everyone. I am telling you who is my pick for the Oscars. Let’s go anything BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY! From one creative artist to another, the score and vocals made the picture. I hope I have time to watch.

Kimberly is a business owner, teacher, and an agent of encouraging life.

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